Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Announcement - Grading requirements

I have added the debate handouts that I gave you to the important documents file. Some of the titles are cut off, but I think you can figure them out. This is in case you lose them. Please do not come to me if you lose them, just print them out yourself.

There is something brand new in the important documents, which I cut and pasted below. It is the grading requirements for the debate. To get a good grade on the debate you will have to stay organized. Keep your stuff!
Read the requirements carefully and come to me if you have any questions.

Debate Grading Requirements

The debate prep is worth 20 points. To earn full points you must:

A) Work cooperatively and efficiently with your group and team.

B) Have a “debate packet” stapled together that includes

1. All the handouts that I gave you. Those include:

a) “debate prep”

b) “sequence of events”

c) cover sheet for your group

2. Packet must include all homework and class work notes for each stage of the preparation process. Those include:

a) List of your team’s main arguments and the evidence used to support them.

b) The “T-chart” notes that you made for your group work.

c) If you are with the constructive speech group:

· Rough draft of the opening speech or your edit (get it back from the speaker)

· Final draft of the opening speech (must be typed)

· Speaker’s note cards

d) If you are on cross-examination group

· The notes you took during the debate – they should focus on the notes taken during the opposition’s opening speech regarding things you want to say in cross-examination.

e) If you are on rebuttal team group

· A rough draft of your team’s summary statement or your edit of that rough draft

· The final draft of the summary statement

· Notes taken during the debate – they should focus on things said in cross-examination or rebuttals that you want to address in the rebuttal phase.

C) Be on task during the preparation process and during the debate. That includes being respectful of others at all times.

1 comment:

Austin Cook said...


I was one of the people that threw away my debate notes. It was thrown away in a massive pile, I thought that I had them but I dont. So, is there anything I turn in, or make some up from what I remember. Also, I am not being irresponsible, I have not had the chance to get on a computer. So please tell me what I can do.

Austin Cook