Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Prep for TPOL

Be prepared to practice on the day you were assigned to practice - either Thursday or Friday. If you are not scheduled to practice, but feel like you need to, then you should talk to me.

By now you should have a thesis paper and should practice it in front of someone.

You should have answers to your reading questions, and be working on the other questions, if you are not finished already.

Prep for

Monday, June 11, 2007

TPOL Prep - Tuesday

For Tuesday you should have answered the questions for the reading section. If you did not finish that in class, you should do so at home and come to class with that information.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Please see important documents for a study guide for the Humanities prep for TPOL.

It’s labeled “humanities_tpolprep_07. ”The critical thinking part of the study guide is under, “criticalthinking.” We have used this before, after the 9/11 debate.

You will also find the rubric under, “POL RUBRIC 07”

And the requirements under, “tpol assignment 9th-1”