Wednesday, March 7, 2007

DUE THUR 3/8 Debate Prep

DUE THUR 3/8 Debate Prep

When you come in to class on Thursday you should have done the following four things:

1. Read the grading requirements. If you have not, please do so now. See the announcement from yesterday and/or see the word document in important documents. If you have questions about it, please ask them in class.

2. Have a list of your team’s main arguments and supporting evidence.

3. Cross-Examination and rebuttal groups - Have T-Chart notes that are different for each individual and based on group tasks

4. Depending on the group – rough drafts of constructive speeches and/or summary for rebuttal team.

I will come around and check if you have done three or four (depending on your group). It is worth 3 points, regular homework grade.

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