Saturday, January 20, 2007

READ THIS: My Reflections on Blogs and Technology

It is Saturday morning and I have just begun to seriously look at the blogs. So far I'm finding some really good comments and ideas, but also some silliness that will have to be addressed. I will post my own comments later, but for now I would like to share some of my general thoughts about blogs and technology, based on some things that Kit and Laura wrote on their blogs.

One thing that caught my eye was Kit's “First Post (it’s the end of the world as we know it)” from 1/17, mostly because I have shared some of her apprehension about technology. Laura also expresses some of the same views on her blog. There might be others in the class as well who also have these apprehensions, but I have not had a chance to read all of the blogs.

When I first heard about blogs I was suspicious about them for two reasons:

First, as both Kit and Laura (the German speaker) remind us, the word blog is not a “real word” and sounds like something you regurgitate after a bad meal. Second, I was afraid it would contribute to the dumbing down of all the really important things, like history, philosophy, literature, and public intellectual debate. I was afraid that it would create so much knowledge and generate so many ideas that we would be overwhelmed by the convoluted logic and sloppy research conducted by any fool with an internet connection. In other words, we would be subject to dilettantes, amateurs who think they know more than they do, as opposed to specialists who really know what they are talking about in depth, or wise old generalists with a broad “Humanities” background.

I still share some of these apprehensions, but I have reevaluated my views:

Concerning “real words” and the ugliness of “blog:” Words are nothing more than arbitrary labels we place on people and things. As Shakespeare said, “What’s in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Words are constantly changed, forgotten, and invented – it’s what keeps dictionary publishers in business. When new technologies arise the old language cannot keep up so new words are invented. Before T.V. sets there was not a word for “television,” and I’m sure some people thought it was a pretty ugly word. However, it would be really strange to say today that “television” is not a real word. I think the word “blog” is like that and I find it exciting – when new words are invented it shows that we are in the middle of a technological revolution (like the agricultural revolution or the industrial revolution) and are scrambling to make sense of it by revising our vocabulary. We are at the forefront of history!

Concerning the dumbing down of society: The great thing about blogs is that they are open to the public, not just to fools with internet connections, but also to smart and thoughtful people anywhere. In other words, internet technology can have quality control, but it depends on the people who use the technology. Every time you personally comment on a classmate’s blog with thoughtful feedback you are doing your part to keep the internet from devolving into the dystopian catastrophe of Kit and Laura’s nightmares. Every time your blog entry is strictly some made-up craziness to try and fill a requirement, or every time you use childish one-liners, you confirm that it is babble space contributing to the fall of civilization as we know it. In other words, the value of this technology is up to you. The internet is arguably the greatest advance in the potential for democracy since the French Revolution, because it gives incredible access to incredible amounts of information. Unfortunately, this tool (and that’s all it is) can also be used for nothing but mind-numbing and distracting things that turn your brain to jelly and that manipulate your thoughts and desires. Are YOU satisfied with being a zombie dolt like Mildred in Fahrenheit 451 or are YOU ready to take responsibility for being the vanguard of history? Well, are you? ….

Confused by vocabulary? See “extra credit below” or read the comment with the vocab definitions.



Okay, see what happened here? I just intended to write a quick response to a blog post that I liked so I can share my ideas with the rest of the class and it turned into something much bigger. Knowing that YOU, my class, was out there, really motivated me to try and write as well as I could with the limited time available to me and without going through a multiple draft process. Whether I was succeessful or not as a writer is another story (what makes a good writer anyway?), but the point is I took a chance by making my thoughts public. Ideas literally came “gushing” out, which normally does not happen because I typically have other minutia on my mind. A small idea, turned into a big idea, all because I was inspired by reading someone else’s post. That’s the idea! I hope that you find things on our class blogs and our class readings that also inspire you to write. Don’t be afraid to deviate from the prompts for Fahrenheit 451 if you are so inspired.



The first person who writes down the definition of these words and sends them as a comment on to this post will get extra credit, but you have to remind me at school.

Vocab words:










Friday, January 19, 2007

DUE MONDAY 1/22 Commenting Assignment

Read the Fahrenheit 451 entries for three people in the class. Comment on at least one of them.
You can comment by answering or addressing his/her question or writing a critique of the post.

For critiques, remember:

1) Be positive

2) Be specific
  • I like this because ...
  • This can be improved by ...

Class Work Friday 1/19 (will accept by Monday 1/22)

Write a descriptive paragraph about something you dread (i.e. fear) or something you hate. Post on YOUR blog. You can use my first blog post "Something I dread ... " as a model if you like, but be original and be creative!

Remember to use:
1. Strong adjectives
2. Strong verbs
3. Figurative Language (metaphors, similes, personification)

Thursday, January 18, 2007

DUE MONDAY 1/22 Fahrenheit 451 pp. 40-68 (finish part 1)

Read pp. 40-68 and repond to these writing prompts on YOUR BLOG.

Your answers should be about half a page. You might be able to develop these bog posts (journal entries) into complete essays in the future ( You will have to write an essay on the book, but I don't have a topic yet. Any suggestions?)

Answer one of these two questions from the perspective of Captain Beatty. Give the type of answer you think he would give – use quotes and other details from the book in your answer. Write a thoughtful answer – reread the section where Beatty and Montag talk to one another if you have to.

QUESTIONS: (From the perspective of Captain Beatty).

Is it better to be ignorant and happy OR is it better to be aware, educated and disturbed at the world?


Captain Beatty tells Montag that firemen are the “happiness boys” and that they are custodians of “our piece of mind.” Why does he say this? Be sure to include the problem with minority opinions, individual thought, and the historical conditions that made this possible. Use quotations and other evidence from the text in your response.

Optional: Write down an essay question or prompt for a complete essay on this novel. I'll be asking this again when we finish it.

DUE FRIDAY 1/19 Fahrenheit 451 Assignment pp. 21-40

Read Fahrenheit 451 pp. 21- 40 (to the section break at the top of p. 40)


Ask a question: What do you find confusing? What is something you don’t understand?

Write about one of the following topics (at least a “solid paragraph” – minimum of 8 sentences)

1) Montag compares Mildred (his wife) to Clarisse and says that Clarisse seems older. In what way does Clarisse act more mature and WHY do you think she is more mature? Why does Bradbury (the author) make the contrast between the two?

2) How are the people in the novel – both children and adults - similar and/or different from people today?

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Fahrenheit 451 pp. 3-21

Read pages 3-21


Create a blog entry with the title: Fahrenheit 451 pp. 3-21

Do the following:

1) Ask a question that you have about what's going on in the novel. What do you find confusing?

Answer the following question:

1) Even before Montag and his wife Mildred talk to one another we know that they are alienated (distant) from one another. How does the author convey this?

Period 4 STUDENTS - Post Your Blog URL Here

Period 1 STUDENTS - Post Your Blog URL Here

Period 1 students, cut and paste your blog URL in a comment that is attached to this thread. Include your FULL NAME and PERIOD. Click "comment" at the bottom.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Student Response to Description #1 (Dread)

Part 1

Respond to my descriptive writing sample #1 (something that I dread) by leaving commenting on it. You will need to click "comments" at the bottom of the entry). This should be a minimum of one long paragraph (6 sentences or more). You must do the following:

Write your general impressions - did you find it interesting? Why or why not.

What was the overall impression or mood that the author was trying to convey?

Find at least two strong adjectives that the author used and explain why they were effective. For example, what sense does it appeal to, what mood or image does it convey?

My Descriptive Writing Sample #1-- Something I dread or hate to do

Something I dread ....

A shot of cold air struck my face as I slowly open the creaking door. Peaking behind the darkness lay the contours of the thing I’ve been dreading. The angles jut out and the blinking lights glow and beckon me with apprehension. Mustering all of my courage I shuffle my feet to the soft leather. With head hanging like a dead snake, I grab the back of the chair. Its tiny wheels scrape against the hard wood and I flop into it. There it is, before me, the thing I’ve been dreading. Approximately 12 inches by 18 inches of pitch black. Beneath it rows upon rows of tiny cushions float on a sea of plastic. Looking to the left a long pole stretches to the ceiling -- as I turn its knob a soft whitish glow emanates from its mechanical head. Looking to the right I see the tower - the thing. I push the button and it comes to life. It is impersonal but at the same time commanding – compelling me to abide by its wishes. Its hum and whirl break me from my trance as I stare at its pulsating ominous eye. Unconsciously and without effort I hear myself mutter, “tomorrow morning is the deadline.” My finger lazily crawls to the plastic pad -- resigned to the fate of all procrastinators…..