Friday, March 9, 2007


There is no homework over the weekend, but be sure to bring your debate notes to class to turn them in. See Important Documents for grading criteria.

Mr. J

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Debate tomorrow Friday 3/9

Be prepared with all your notes. If you have a speaking role, practice your speeches as we discussed in class. Be sure to provide support to your teammates as needed.

Good luck to all of you.

Mr. J

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

New Book Review Date

I will accept book reviews (with journal entries and vocab. lists) on Tuesday3/13 without penalty. If you turn in your book review on the regular date, this Friday 3/9 I will give you extra-credit.

Mr. J

DUE THUR 3/8 Debate Prep

DUE THUR 3/8 Debate Prep

When you come in to class on Thursday you should have done the following four things:

1. Read the grading requirements. If you have not, please do so now. See the announcement from yesterday and/or see the word document in important documents. If you have questions about it, please ask them in class.

2. Have a list of your team’s main arguments and supporting evidence.

3. Cross-Examination and rebuttal groups - Have T-Chart notes that are different for each individual and based on group tasks

4. Depending on the group – rough drafts of constructive speeches and/or summary for rebuttal team.

I will come around and check if you have done three or four (depending on your group). It is worth 3 points, regular homework grade.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Announcement - Grading requirements

I have added the debate handouts that I gave you to the important documents file. Some of the titles are cut off, but I think you can figure them out. This is in case you lose them. Please do not come to me if you lose them, just print them out yourself.

There is something brand new in the important documents, which I cut and pasted below. It is the grading requirements for the debate. To get a good grade on the debate you will have to stay organized. Keep your stuff!
Read the requirements carefully and come to me if you have any questions.

Debate Grading Requirements

The debate prep is worth 20 points. To earn full points you must:

A) Work cooperatively and efficiently with your group and team.

B) Have a “debate packet” stapled together that includes

1. All the handouts that I gave you. Those include:

a) “debate prep”

b) “sequence of events”

c) cover sheet for your group

2. Packet must include all homework and class work notes for each stage of the preparation process. Those include:

a) List of your team’s main arguments and the evidence used to support them.

b) The “T-chart” notes that you made for your group work.

c) If you are with the constructive speech group:

· Rough draft of the opening speech or your edit (get it back from the speaker)

· Final draft of the opening speech (must be typed)

· Speaker’s note cards

d) If you are on cross-examination group

· The notes you took during the debate – they should focus on the notes taken during the opposition’s opening speech regarding things you want to say in cross-examination.

e) If you are on rebuttal team group

· A rough draft of your team’s summary statement or your edit of that rough draft

· The final draft of the summary statement

· Notes taken during the debate – they should focus on things said in cross-examination or rebuttals that you want to address in the rebuttal phase.

C) Be on task during the preparation process and during the debate. That includes being respectful of others at all times.

DUE WED 3/7 Debate Prep and Work on Book Review

At this point in debate prep everyone in each team should know what the main arguements are for the group and know what evidence will be used to support those arguements.

Team captain and group leaders should ensure that everyone knows what the arguements and evidence are and should have made sure that everyone in the team (or at least in each group) has the home phone and email address of the other people in the group.

You should write down a list of the arugements and the evidence to support them. I WILL CHECK TO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LIST. I will give you a short period of time to tie up loose ends as a team. I will then check to make sure that everyone has a list of the main arguements and the evidence that your team is going to use. Every person per team should have the same things on the list.

Don't forget to work on book reviews if you are not done. Book Reviews due 3/9.

Monday, March 5, 2007

DUE TUE 3/6 Binder Check, Debate Prep, and Work on Book Review

DUE TUE, 3/6 Binder Check, Debate Prep, and Work on Book Review

Our Iliad debate will be this Friday 3/9, the same day that book reviews are due.

There will be a binder check, Tuesday 3/6, worth a classwork grade (3pts). You MUST have all of your Iliad notes in one place, along with the Iliad photocopies. In your binder on top of your notes you MUST have the cover sheet and debate prep instructions that I gave you today.

Tomorrow you will have some class time to figure out what your team’s main arguments are going to be and discuss that as small groups and then as a team. I suggest you get a head start on it at home by reviewing your notes and getting some ideas together.

There is no new reading or writing assignment, so you should work on book reviews if you can.