Wednesday, February 14, 2007

DUE THR 2/15 Commenting Assignment

Comment on the 2/13 “My Rage” blog entries for the people in your blog group. Of course you can also comment on people outside your group, but comment on those in your group as a minimum. If people in your blog group did not do the assignment, comment on someone of your choice outside the group.

Some suggestions for commenting:

  • Tell them why you like it

  • Tell them that you can relate to it and explain how/why you can relate to it

  • Give them suggestions on things to write about – how can it be more descriptive or how can it explain with more detail.

Remember: Be specific. Use words like “because …” to explain yourself. In the next week or two I will ask people to share with me who wrote the most helpful blog entries.


JV (Dumpling) said...
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Chris Connell said...

same here

Austin Han said...

Mr Jana i don't know the people in my group, and don't know the urls of the ones i know because when i click in Google reader it doesn't come up

Chance Bentley said...

I don't know for sure who is n my group so I commented on some I knew: Austin Han's and Dylan Della's.

Mr. Jana said...

They are the same groups that you have had for a couple of weeks. I'll review them tomorrow in class and you can go back and make up the assignment.

Mr. J

anjelica said...

Yes I am like evryone else I don't remember who's in my group!!

JV (Dumpling) said...

Mr. Jana You never told me who wa in my reading group

JV (Dumpling) said...

Mr. Jana You never told me my reading group?!?!?!