Sunday, February 11, 2007

Agenda and Announcements for Monday 2/12

Agenda and Announcements for Monday, 2/12

I will not be in today so Ephraim and Mr. Commerson will be leading the class. I became sick on Friday. Although I’m feeling better this Sunday afternoon, I’m going to try and make a Doctor’s appointment for Monday.



I have put in a new round of blogging grades. In case you missed it during the first round, I give three points for each assignment and add them up every two weeks or so. This time around it was 8 mandatory blog assignments for a total of 24 points. The grading is also based on the quality of what you write. If you just wrote a couple of sentences for an assignment you might not have gotten the full three points. Some of you will ask me about the “due date” on powergrade. That is just the date that I added up the assignments since the last time, not the due date of any particular blog assignment.

Eli and Yesenia, see me when I return because I’m still having problems with accessing your blogs.

I was in bed for all of Saturday and did not read your F451 essays. Did you turn it in? Did you put it on ?


I have made a few comments on student blogs here and there, but have not commented on everyone’s. Remember to scroll down on your blogs once and awhile to check to see if you have comments from me or classmates.


If there is something in particular that you want me to read on your blog you should put a couple of asterisks in front of it, like this ** in the title space . That way when I check your blog I can easily see what you want me to comment on and you don’t have to send me a URL. For example, if you want me to comment on the assignment entitled Fahrenheit 451 pp. 154-165 on your title page write ** Fahrenheit 451 pp. 154-165. Try to direct me to more recent assignments.


1. Silent Reading (book review books)

2. Blog Time/Independent Writing (Scroll down for the assignments)

3. Troy video (20-30 minutes, not more)

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