Thursday, January 25, 2007

DUE Monday 1/29 Chapter 4 of Debunking ..

1. Team leader, help your team determine what section from chapter 4 each individual is going to read and share out with the class on Monday.

  • The handout is located next to the box of files on the table.
2. Read your selection and take notes like we have been doing. If you have a question ask a classmate or look at another one of my blog entries for the Debunking ... assignments.

3. To get homework credit you have to do at least one section. Use TEAMWORK. Make sure that all the sections are covered.


Illy said...

Mr. Jana, in response to the comments you left on my blog:

1) First off, I hope you get better soon ;)

2) A spritist is technically a graphic artist for games with 2D graphics

3)I learned the Allegory of the cave from 7th grade. We had a really short unit on philosophy. 'Twas really fun.

4) A little reading reccomendation:

It's a really interesting piece building off of the Allegory of the Cave, explaining how the world is becoming more like a video game, and what's more, why it's a good thing.

Mundus Mea Ostrea Est!

Mr. Jana said...

Cool, thanks much Justin. Can you bring in a print out from the web page you cite. Maybe other people would be interested also.

Mr. J

Mr. Jana said...


I just checked out the site. It looks fascinating. I was expecting a "gamer" site, but found that it's previewing a book that will be published by Harvard University Press. I read the first section comparing video games to the “Allegory of the Cave” and it piqued my interest, although in the limited time I spent with the site I could not figure out the deeper ramifications of the author’s thesis. See why that thesis stuff I teach is so important … Anyway, it's nice to find people actually thinking about the relationship between society and technology/entertainment. It reminds me of some of the "cultural studies" work that is happening in some universities.


Mr. J

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say this yesterday, but I could not find the packet yesterday. I was trying to pick up one after school but could not find it. So, do I just do it on monday?

? Chris Sefcik ?

Kit Haggard said...

Mr. Janna,

When I read blog on Thursday (about 4:30-5:00) the entry about the fourth packet hadn't been put up yet, nor had the blog entry about you absence (I DO hope you get better, by the way), so I didn't know that I was suposed to pick up Chapter 4 of Debunking 9/11 Myths. We didn't divy up roles in my group either, so I dont think that any of them got it. What should I do?


Mr. Jana said...


Thanks for the well wishes, I'm still sick but feeling better. It's frustrating to have this thing for weeks. I'll be in on Monday though.

On Monday I'll give you class time to read the "Debunking" handouts, but didn't you see "check blog" under homework on the board? Didn't Mr. C tell you to check the blog for your class work?

No need to reply here, we will talk more about it on Monday and I won't reduce your grades or hold anything against you, but in case it was not made clear - if I am not at school, check the blog !

Mr. J

I Kiss Dating Goodbye said...

Hey Mr. Jana hope you doing better. I’m just writing to say that I didn’t know we have to get the packet. So if it is okay I can do it on Monday. Hope to see you there!! Well, until tomorrow.

Lauren Poblete said...

Mr. Jana

In class on friday mr commerson said to get into the reading groups for the reading assignment, but the part that we were assigned to was with or pros and cons group. In class we we talked about it with our old groups that we had been discussing with the whole week. i was confused becaus ei dont knwo if this in the same of different article