Tuesday, January 23, 2007

DUE WED 1/24 Descriptive Paragraph

DUE WED. 1/24 Descriptive Paragraph

This is classwork, but I will accept it on Wed. 1/24.

Write a descriptive paragraph about something you like or look forward to. Remember to try and create a mood by:

1. Appealing to the 5 senses

2. Using strong verbs

3. Using strong adjectives

4. Using figurative language

  • Metaphors
  • Similies
  • Personification

If you are having a hard time with adjectives, don't forget the handout I gave you.


(Dub)Matt(Dub) said...

Do we have to talk about all five senses?

Mr. Jana said...

Try to appeal to as many senses as you can.

Mr. J