Wednesday, January 31, 2007

DUE THR 1/31 Prep for Debate

DUE THR 1/31 Prep for Debate

Don't forget professional dress - boys that means ties, girls that means slacks or dress/skirt at least knee level.

Tomorrow is debate day! Like I said before, I’m really excited about it. We will have visitors and some 10th graders will help judge. With all of that said, remember that this is only our first debate and that the lessons learned from it will help us with future ones.

EVERYONE: I will collect your debate notes tomorrow. Those are the handouts with the columns. A big part of your grade will be based on those notes. If anyone was especially productive or helpful for their team I will add points to it. If anyone was counter-productive or wasted time I will take points away.

CONSTRUCTIVE ARUGMENT SPEAKERS: Don’t forget to practice your speech tonight. You should time it to make sure you are within one minute plus or minus.

RESEARCHERS AND SCRIBES: Don’t forget to come prepared with a master list of class notes.

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