Monday, May 21, 2007

DUE WED 5/23 I.F. Stone Chapter 4

DUE WED 5/23 I.F. Stone Chapter 4

This is class work for Tuesday, but if you don’t finish all of it in class I will accept it on Wed 5/23. Be prepared to discuss this with your team.

DO NOT POST THIS ON YOUR BLOG. TYPE IT AND PRINT IT OUT. You will want to keep all of your notes from this point on as a secret from the other team.


  • Don’t forget your heading, with the usual information.
  • In the heading indicate what team you are on – prosecution, defense, or jury
  • In the heading indicate your role on the team – attorney, second chair, or witness

Read Stone Chapter 4. And answer the following questions:

Don't get hung up on sections that are confusing. Skim and read what you can get a handle on. Protagoras is the most important.

1. Of the people mentioned in this chapter choose one or two that would make good witnesses for your side or the opposition.

2. For each person that you chose write a sentence explaining whose side he would represent and why this person would be good for that side. Make a list of details/evidence from the reading that helps explain your view.

3. Find a direct quote that is at least one sentence long that you might want to present as evidence (or that you think the opposition might present as evidence)

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