Thursday, March 15, 2007

Student Generated Questions

Use this space to leave questions related to content (i.e. justice and The Republic) which could later be used in a Socratic Seminar. Lots of good things have been coming out of class discussion that we might want to pursue in greater depth.

This is not required, but I know there are some good ideas out there, so I hope a lot of you share. I assume that as we read more of The Republic you will continue to generate more questions.

If you think that a question or a statement directly from The Republic would be good to discuss, such as a question posed by Socrates, you can mention that also.

Here is the criteria:

1. Questions must be related to justice or other issues pertaining to justice that we have read about in The Republic.

2. Question must be open. In other words, there can't be one simple answer - multiple answers must be possible.

3. A response to the question must be able to reference or cite The Republic at some point. The seminar discussion can stray from the text a little, but not too much, so keep that in mind while generating questions.

Good Thinking,

Mr. J

P.S. Don't forget the homework in the entry right below


Kit Haggard said...

Do you think that someone who is enlightened (has seen the "light of knowldge")will be better or worse as a law maker than somone still in the cave, though many of thier subjects are in the cave as well? Remember that a man who has seen the light can't see in the darkenss of the cave and a man in the cave is blinded by the light.


indigo said...

i think that we should do something on moral values and justice, because of the discussion that broke out in class today.

(Dub)Matt(Dub) said...

What is the definition of Justice?

Illy said...

I'm not entirely sure if this pertains to Justice or not, but...

How does the Allegory of the Cave apply to modern-day society?

If not, then I second Matt's idea.

Austin J said...

Why does Socrates think that justice is an important topic to talk about?

In the Simile of the Cave, do you think there is any part that has to do with the subject of justice?

Lishane Bekele said...

we should use.....

Why is justice in any way important to the society?..Explain

Bianca Zepeda said...

well in class today my group and i were discussing if justice is telling the truth, and the consequences of lying/telling the truth and if it's right or wrong. so i think we should do it on that.