Thursday, March 1, 2007

DUE Monday 3/5 Debate Resolution

Think of a resolution for a debate on The Iliad , and give your answer on this discussion thread as a comment. You can also choose between one of the following if you prefer (or if you can't think of anything).

1) Agamemnon is a better leader than Achilles.
2) Agamemnon is ultimatly to blame for the death of Patroclus.

Remember that debate resolutions are statements, NOT questions.

There is no Iliad homework this weekend, so you can work on your bookreviews.


Lishane Bekele said...

I think a good debate question would be to ask.. Why did Achilles let Patroclus fight if he knew that zeus was going to help out the trojans?

Lishane Bekele said...
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Mr. Jana said...

Thanks Lishane, but remember that debate resolutions can't be questions, they have to be statements. I like the idea behind the question, but I'm wondering if the topic is limited for a full debate....

Mr. J

Danielle Bee said...

2) Agamemnon is ultimatly to blame for the death of Patroclus.

Cameron Parvini said...

1. Achilles ultimately is to blame for Patriclus' death.

2. The gods are ultimately to blame for the demise of the Trojans, not the skill of the Greeks.

Anonymous said...

Achilles is to blame for Patroclus's demise.

I Kiss Dating Goodbye said...

Achilles and Agamemnon shouldn’t be blame for Patroclus death.

Illy said...

Patroclus is to blame for his own death.

anjelica said...

I think a good debate resolution would be:

1)Achilles is a better leader then Agamemnon!


2)Patroclaus is the one to blame for his own death!

Amiry said...

Patroclus is to blame for his own death.

Kit Haggard said...

I think that there are four possibilities about the death of Patroclus and who was to blame.

1) The gods are responsible for the death of Patroclus.

2) Achiles is to blame for the death of Patroclus.

3) Agamemnon is to blame for the death of Patroclus.

4) Patroclus is to blame for his own death.

However, the more interesting idea is

Patroclus was right in not following Achilles' orders, even though it meant his death.

OR, on the flipside,

Patroclus should have heeded Achilles' orders, even though he had the advantage in battle.


Mr. Jana said...

Great everyone, keep them coming. I glad to see lots of people thinking about the death of Patroclus, but remember there can be other issues also.

Mr. J

Chris Connell said...

Achilles is a better leader than Agamemnon

Bart Cordero said...

My resolution is

1)Patroclus is blamed for his ownself being killed

Lauren Poblete said...

is a personality trait in achilles cowardly? he let patroclus figt as him

Michael Murillo said...

patroclus dies for two reasons.
cosmos & god-induced hubris.

indigo said...

i think it should be on the subject of Achilles and Patroclus, and whether Patoclus' death is Achille's fault or Patroclus' fault .

Anonymous said...

Patroclus is to blame for his own death.

RG Huckins said...

Achilles overall made better decisions than Agamemnon


Agamemnon overall made better decisions than Achilles

Chance Bentley said...

A good debate resolution would be:

1) Patroclus is to be blamed for his own death.

Bianca Zepeda said...

1.Achilles is a better leader than Agamemnon.

2.Patroclus is respontible for his own death.

Bianca Zepeda said...
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