Sunday, February 4, 2007

DUE Tuesday 2/6, Descriptive Writing Assignment

DUE Tuesday 2/6, Descriptive Writing Assignment

The reason you are doing this is to learn strong words evoking fear so you can get ideas for a future descriptive writing piece on the same subject. In other words, this is practice for a little "quiz" on descriptive writing where you will have to describe something from Fahrenheit, but more on that later ... It should also be fun to check out some student writing examples that you have not yet read.

1. Return to your blog entry on something you dread or fear.

On your blog, write down 3-5 of your own words that you thought were particularly descriptive and for at least one of your words give a reason why you thought if was effective. Be specific: Don't just say, "it's a scary word," but tell us why it is scary. Maybe it is related to a particular image or smell, emotion, or something from your past.

The words can be from any part of speech – subject, verb, adverb, adjective, noun etc…

2. Visit the blogs of the people in your blog group. I will tell you who they are on Monday.

A. Comment on their blog to let them know what you thought some of the most effective words were on their writing sample and give a short explanation why (it can be as short as one sentence).

B. Go back to your blog and write what the most effective words were from people in your blog group and write at least one explanation. To avoid repeating the same work, you can cut and paste from the comments you wrote on your partners' blogs. The purpose of this last stage is for you to have a convienant place (i.e. your blog) where you can go to for a short list of effective words related to fear or dread and to give public props to the members of your blog group.

In Short:

I. Comment on ALL the other blogs

II. On your blog write:

Your effective words and at least one explanation

Examples of effective words from others in you blog group and at least one explanation.

Mr. J


Anonymous said...

Mr. Jana,

One of the people in my group did not do the assignment (Paige Brown) and she didn't do the "Something I Look Forward To" descriptive paragraph either so I can't analyze either one of them. What should I do? This is a person in my group and I'm supposed to comment her.

Chris Connell said...

I do not have lishane on my google reader so i do not know what to do for him.

Mr. Jana said...


If there is nothing to comment on, there is nothing you can do about it. It won't effect your grade.


You will have to get Lishane's address at school at add it to your aggregator when you can. Thanks for letting me know.

Mr. J

I Kiss Dating Goodbye said...

Mr. Jana I can’t access to Eli Blog. So I will talk to Eli tomorrow. Have a great night.

Cindy Burgos