Monday, February 5, 2007

DUE WED, 2/7 Hesiod Writing Assignment

Anwer one of the following questions on your blog. The title of your post whould be "2/6 - Hesiod Writing Assignment"

You should cut the question and paste it (or drag it) to your blog and put it in bold script. Write the answer in regular script underneath it.

One of these questions might appear on a quiz.

1. What do you think this myth tells about the ancient Greeks? What values did they have? Why would a story like this develop?

2. What universal needs or desires are represented in this story? What needs/desires might be particular to the Greeks? If you have a hard time determining whether it is particular or universal that is okay, write about why it is difficult to choose.

3. Explain how Zeus came to power. Write about these following issues: How is he similar/different to Uranus or Cronos? Is his grip on power secure or fragile? Explain why or why not.


Austin J said...

Are there now 4 assignments due tomorrow? I did two but now there are two more.

indigo said...

mr. jana, that paper you gave us today to take notes on, i had it in my bag, but i guess someone went through it today and math, and a lot of the papers i had in it are gone, including the should i just read the passage?

indigo said...

i meant someone went through it today IN math**

Mr. Jana said...

See the announcement I just wrote on my blog if you have not done so already. There are not four assignments.

Mr. J

Mr. Jana said...


If you get this in time, simply take notes on who the main characters are and what the main events and conflicts are.

Mr. J

Michael Murillo said...


I left my battery charger at school and my battery only has 37% battery life and it is draining quickly! i will be able to get most if not all of this assignment done, but if I don't this is my excuse.