Thursday, January 25, 2007

DUE Monday 1/29 Fahrenheit 451 pp. 126-137

Read pp. 126-137

Find a line from the story or a paragraph that you like and explain why you like it.


Explain what you find interesting or exciting in this part of the book.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Jana,

The title says "DUE Monday 1/29 1/29 Fahrenheit 451 pp.126-167. But the post says "Read pp. 126-137". Which is right?

Mr. Jana said...

Thanks for catching the error. "Read pp. 126-137" is correct. I'll edit the post.

Mr. J

Kit Haggard said...

Mr. Janna,

On My "blog" you left a comment asking me to indent. I actualy cant. I type everything in Word, to keep from making mistakes, and there I indent, and when I paste it into the window, it's indented, but as soon as I click "View Blog" it's not indented anymore. I dont know why.


Mr. Jana said...


I usually start in Word and tranfer it over, but I don't have the same problem. Remind me and we can talk about it at school.

Mr. J