Tuesday, March 20, 2007

DUE THR 3/22 - Prep for Seminar

DUE THR 3/22

Prepare for Socratic Seminar by writing at least one-half page on at least one of the following prompts, or create your own prompt. If you create your own prompt remember it must be an interpretive question, meaning there is more than one possible answer (but you only have to provide one answer in your response).

Don’t forget to add this to your blog and put the prompt in bold. Don’t forget to print this, and all the rest of your notes, to the seminar so you can refer to it during the seminar.

Some of these prompts are student generated – thanks for sharing the ideas!


1) What do you think is the best definition of justice? It can be one of the views expressed in The Republic, a modification of one or more of them, or something completely different.

2) Who is right, Socrates or Thrasymaschus? Why?

3) Does might make right?

4) Write your reaction to the following statement: Wheter or not an action is right or wrong is less important than wheter or not it benefits the interests of the agent.

5) What are the political and/or moral consequences of Socrates idea that justice is not fundamentally a matter of the government? What are the political and/or moral implications of what Thraymachus says? Do you think there another way of looking at it, one that Socrates and/or Thrasymachus have not thought about?

6) In your opinion, does injustice pay? Why or why not? What would Socrates and/or Thrasymachus say in response to your answer?

7) In your opinion, is it ever right to harm somebody? Why or why not? What would Socrates and/or Thrasymachus say in response to your answer?

8) Do you think that someone who is enlightened (has seen the "light of knowledge") will be better or worse as a law maker than someone still in the cave, though many of their subjects are in the cave as well? Remember that a man who has seen the light can't see in the darkness of the cave and a man in the cave is blinded by the light.

9) In the “Simile of the Cave”, do you think there is any part that has to do with the subject of justice?

10) If you act justly, will you find happiness? (Socrates)

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