Tuesday, February 20, 2007

DUE WED 2/21 Fahrenheit 451 Rewrite

Remember that your Fahrenheit 451 rewrite is due tomorrow, WED 2/21.

Print out the copy that you are going to give me at home. I would like to avoid having a group of people printing out at school, walking in and out of the room due to printer problems, taking 20 minutes to find a computer that works etc... Remember you have a quota of printouts, so you want to conserve as much as possible anyway. Print out the copy that you are going to give me at home, and bring it in.

If you don't have a printer at home, that is an exception.

If you have a printer at home (which is the majority of you), the only excuse for not having a print out at school is if your printer is broken and you have a note from your parents.

The rewrite does not have to be on turnitin.com unless you have made substantive changes to it. If that is the case let me know and I'll delete your old one to make room for the new one.


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