Saturday, May 26, 2007

Reminder and TPOL

Witness profiles are due Tuesday, May 29. Remember, #5 is not required for Tuesday. It will be due on a later day. On Tuesday we will also finalize in class the witness and discovery list.

See important documents for a copy of the witness profile requirements. It is labeled: "mocktrial_witnessprofile." I've included the "Jana's top 5 sources" handout in the same file, under "mocktrail_sources."

I have also included 2 documents related to the TPOLs. The week before TPOLs will be devoted to TPOL prep.

I hope everyone is enjoying (or has enjoyed) their long weekend.

Mr. J


Illy said...
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Illy said...

Hi Mr. Jana.

I see you have a new font for your blog entries ;)

Anyhow, I just thought you'd like to know that that I finished a rough draft of that Disneyland Allegory I've been wanting to write.

Mundus Mea Ostrea Est!

Illy said...

Wow... Commenting system doesn't like my HTML coding anymore.

Anyhow, just click that link in the bottom of my last post to see it. I INTENDED for it to say "Click here to view" and then have that NOT hyperlinked, but... Google interns probably have been messing with the commenting system.

Sorry for spamming your blog with three comments in a row.