Tuesday, April 17, 2007

DUE WED 4/18 Plato Reading and Blog

Read all of section c. pp. 85-93 (start where the section begins on the bottom)

Answer one of the following questions or develop your own. Post the response on your blog. Don’t forget to include the question in bold on your blog.

1. Why should plays, and acting in them, be regulated? What is potentially beneficial or harmful from acting in a play?


2. What is your reaction to the ending of the section? What is good and/or bad about the type of society outlined by Socrates?


Raul Lopez-Rodriguez said...

Mr. Jana, On my blog i have links to everyone's blog that is in your 4&5. Maybe you can post my URL so that if someone needs to see someone's blog and don't know the url they can go to mine. My URL is http://rlopezrodriguez.blogspot.com/

Mr. Jana said...

Good idea. Thanks Raul.