Wednesday, February 28, 2007

DUE THR 3/1 Iliad Reading

The Iliad Book 16 – “Patroclus Fights and Dies”

Read pp. 412-421 lines 1-333

We will be skipping around with Book 16. I am not going to make the scences that immediately follow this reading assignment mandatory, but you can read them if you are interested. They are details of the battle. We will, however, read the last part of Book 16. If you are interested in getting a head start, let me know at school and I'll tell you what the pae numbers will be.

Please remember to cut and paste the questions and put them in bold when you post this to your blog.

1. What does Patroclus propose to Achilles and what is Achilles’ response? Why does Achilles grant Patroclus’ request?


2. On p. 413 line 35 (approximately), Patroclus tells Achilles that Achilles is “cursed in [his] own courage.” What does Patroclus mean by that and do you agree with him?


3. Either ask questions about the text or write down vocab words from the text with definitions.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Jana,
I left the copy of Book Nine at school today and was unable to reach it for last night's homework (because my internet cut out after 10:30 and so I wasn't able to finish due to dance practice). Instead, I will be using the same link that Justin was to do the assignment, so please excuse any misquotes for the examples of persuasive speech.

Anonymous said...

Also, how many vocabulary words do you want us to write if we choose to do that instead of questions?

Mr. Jana said...

Okay, keep in mind that the link is for another translation, but it should do in a pinch.

As far as vocab goes, I think three would be a good number, or maybe more - whatever you think would be helpful for you.

Mr. J

Austin Han said...

Hey Mr.Jana

For the 4 period class there were some people that didn't get a copy of the Iliad and i was one of them. So, i can't read the thing to blog about it