Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Due THR 2/15 Iliad Assignment

Due THR 2/15 Iliad Assignment

Read lines 222 – 261 of The Iliad Book One (pp. 83-85)

For each stanza add to your Iliad notes – the ones in your binder, by using the reading strategies:

1. Ask - What it’s about?

2. Question – What don’t I understand?

3. Summarize – What are the summary bullets?

4. Predict – What is going to happen next?

On Thursday I will do a homework check during silent reading.

I think we are getting close to the point where I can turn you loose on The Iliad a little, with longer assignments on your own, but for now we will continue to take it slow and read parts of it in class.

You should start filling out the list of important characters and character sheet on the gods. Don't worry about the names that are not familiar to you, just fill it out what we cover, as we cover it.

Mr. J

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