Thursday, January 18, 2007

DUE MONDAY 1/22 Fahrenheit 451 pp. 40-68 (finish part 1)

Read pp. 40-68 and repond to these writing prompts on YOUR BLOG.

Your answers should be about half a page. You might be able to develop these bog posts (journal entries) into complete essays in the future ( You will have to write an essay on the book, but I don't have a topic yet. Any suggestions?)

Answer one of these two questions from the perspective of Captain Beatty. Give the type of answer you think he would give – use quotes and other details from the book in your answer. Write a thoughtful answer – reread the section where Beatty and Montag talk to one another if you have to.

QUESTIONS: (From the perspective of Captain Beatty).

Is it better to be ignorant and happy OR is it better to be aware, educated and disturbed at the world?


Captain Beatty tells Montag that firemen are the “happiness boys” and that they are custodians of “our piece of mind.” Why does he say this? Be sure to include the problem with minority opinions, individual thought, and the historical conditions that made this possible. Use quotations and other evidence from the text in your response.

Optional: Write down an essay question or prompt for a complete essay on this novel. I'll be asking this again when we finish it.

1 comment:


chakia pryor